Handling Difficult Election Results

Although many Americans are feeling joy and pride after winning the presidential election, roughly half of the country is feeling sad and scared by the same results. One of the blessings of living in a democratic nation is that our country is led by elected officials. This idea may seem more like a curse though when candidates from the opposing party win elections. Here are some tips for handling difficult election results:

  • Feel your feelings. In order to heal from something you are going through, it is important to allow yourself to experience the pain, heartache, anger, or other emotions you may have. Something can be said for giving yourself the opportunity to “sit in it”. When feeling defeated, it is often necessary to allow yourself the time and space to lick your wounds. If you need to cry, cry; if you need to scream, scream. Be gentle with yourself and with others around you who may need a minute to process the outcome.
  • Increase self-care. While you are processing the unfavorable outcome, you may need a little extra TLC. If you feel like you need permission to take it easy, consider this your official permission slip! Now is the time to use your favorite bath bomb to take those long overdue hot baths, try a few new gourmet chocolate bars, schedule a massage, grab a nice bouquet of fresh flowers, explore some good yoga flows and meditation practices, etc. Now is the time to love on yourself and pour on a heavy-duty dose of self-care.
  • Shelter yourself from the news and social media. While it is important to stay on top of breaking news and current events, now may not be the best time for it. Watching the news and scrolling through social media may be too much for some people right now. It is okay to take a few hours/days/weeks away from the 24-7 news and information engine that never sleeps. The outcomes are not likely to change anytime soon so it may be easier to insulate yourself from the constant re-opening of the fresh wounds. In the meantime, rely on distraction as a tool to help you feel less overwhelmed. Consider starting a new or re-visiting an unfinished craft project, pick up an old or new musical instrument, bake a favorite holiday treat or try a new recipe, begin a new Netflix series, dust of an unread book, etc. Living under rock is not necessary for the long-term, but in the short go, it can provide a welcome respite for an overwhelmed heart and mind.
  • Consider moving toward acceptance and working to improve the outcome of future elections. Once you have allowed yourself time and space to process the results and feel your feelings, try to consider the idea of moving toward acceptance. This does not mean that you must agree with the election outcome or be satisfied with the results! You can completely disagree with the state of things and still accept that things are the way they are, at least for now. If you are unhappy with how things turned out, the time to make plans for how you can help the next election turn out differently is yesterday! Channel your disappointment, fear, and frustrations into energy and passion for changing the outcomes of future elections. Also, it may give you some needed comfort and allow you to feel less helpless in the midst of the current situation.

If you find the election outcomes to be too much for you to handle, reach out to those who you feel safe with. Considering that nearly half of the country voted for the losing candidate, if you are struggling right now, you are unfortunately in good company. Calling or texting with a like-minded friend can help you feel less alone and remind you that you have a support system. If you are feeling overwhelmed, now may be a good time to look for a therapist or support group to get your through this difficult time. Many mental professionals advertise on www.psychologytoday.com, so you can search for them in your area. Finally, if you believe you are having a mental health crisis, call the National Mental Health Hotline by dialing 988 or call 911 for emergency assistance.

Check out www.hootiepatootieblog.com for more life-enhancing tips and information.

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